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'Back To School' For Your Child and A Youngster in Nepal

Summer school holidays can be a challenging period for parents as they face the task of keeping children occupied and entertained all day, e...

Nepalese School Girls
Summer school holidays can be a challenging period for parents as they face the task of keeping children occupied and entertained all day, every day. With kids home full-time, you often have to juggle work and household responsibilities and not to mention the constant supervision. The lack of routine and structure often leads to increased stress and exhaustion, making this time both demanding and overwhelming for many parents and families.

As September arrives, many of us feel a sense of relief when the schools reopen. But did you know that, in addition to sending your own children to school, you can also help a less fortunate child attend school as well?

Founded in Nepal in 2003, Sherpa Adventure Gear is on a mission to educate Nepalese children and provide employment for their parents. In collaboration with Room To Read’s Nepal Education Programme, they have implemented a literacy initiative to improve and empower the lives of children at high risk of dropping out due to cultural biases, lack of educational resources, and, for girls, pressures to marry.

Sherpa and Room To Read’s Nepal Education Programme

Sherpa Adventure Gear's partner Room to Read works actively with each selected school over a four-year timeframe. The goal of the program is to set the school up for success to operate independently at a high level after the four-year period concludes. After the four-year period they continue to assess the progress of students and teachers and offer support if needed.

So, if you're seeking a late summer wardrobe upgrade, choose something meaningful — every item that you purchase from Sherpa's website helps send a Nepali child to school! Sherpa's beautifully crafted collection, featuring their signature endless knot symbol, includes sustainably made tees, tops, shorts, fleeces, dresses, roomy shopping totes, hats, headbands and yoga/hike tights.

Every purchase you make from Sherpa adds value and you’ll be helping Sherpa achieve its commitment to providing 10 million school days by 2030!

Check out the entire range and shop now at

Sherpa and Room To Read’s Nepal Education Programme

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