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Friday, March 14


Win a big Spring clean pack from Astonish

It's that time of the year again - arrival of Spring and we start thinking about Spring cleaning - getting rid of clutter, re-organisin...

It's that time of the year again - arrival of Spring and we start thinking about Spring cleaning - getting rid of clutter, re-organising, cleaning and tidying things up. Once you are done with Spring cleaning, it feels so great. I feel Spring cleaning is not just about getting your home and surroundings in order and organised but also a way to feel happy and reduce stress as cleaning is very therapeutic.

Spring cleaning is on at our place. I gave the fridge a good scrub over the weekend - cleaned all the shelves, the interior walls and the rubber gaskets on the door. Looks much better and tidier now. The oven is next. Mr.H has been handling the bathroom. The bathtub, the faucets and the shower head all look clean and like new. Mr.H is much more organised than me and he actually made a list of things he needs to get done in the bathroom during the Spring clean. He has cleaned the tiles, the vents and even the light fixtures. Assisting in our Spring clean were products from Astonish. All the products we used were good but special mention goes to the Grout & Tile Restorer and the Oven & Cookware Cleaner. The Grout & Tile Restorer is a foamy formula and very effectively removed dirt and grime even from vertical surfaces. The Oven & Cookware cleaning paste is excellent. With minimal effort I was able to clean the kitchen sink to look like new. A big thumbs up from us.

Astonish Cleaning Products - Review and Giveaway

Astonish Cleaning Products - Review and Giveaway

Also worth mentioning is the fact that Astonish believe that cleaning products don’t need to be tested on animals or contain any animal derived ingredients to deliver results. They are approved by cruelty free international and the Vegetarian society as well as being Vegan society registered!

Want to win a Spring clean hamper from Astonish?

The prize bundle includes:
  • Fabric Refresher
  • Oven and Cookware Cleaner
  • Antibacterial Cleanser
  • Grout and Tile Restorer
  • uPVC Cream Cleaner
  • Multi surface Cleaner with Orange Oil
  • Mould & Mildew Remover
  • Window & Glass Cleaner
  • Fresh Sea Mist Floor Cleaner
  • Bathroom Cleaner
  • Ultimate Lime scale Remover
  • Grease off Spray and Wipe
  • Stainless Steel Cleaner
  • Carpet and Upholstery Target Spray
  • Cleaning caddy

Entry is simple. Use the Gleam widget below to enter. The more options you complete, more your chance of winning this astonishing cleaning bundle. All the best!

Win a bundle of cleaning products from Astonish


  1. Take up any rugs you have, hang them over the washine line and beat them with a brush! You will be amazed (or shocked) at how much dust comes out! I always do this in the Spring!

  2. Keep a old toothbrush with your cleaning stuff , can get into all the small places to clean with it

  3. To clean inside your microwave:
    Place a large microwave safe bowl with 1 cup of water and a chopped up lemon, lime or orange or even several tablespoons of vinegar inside. Turn the microwave on High for several minutes or until the solution boils & the window is steamy, then let it sit to cool for 15 minutes before opening the door. Remove and wipe out the inside & outside with a sponge.

  4. Rope in as many people/children as you can many hands make light work

  5. yes send everyone in the house out for the day that way they won't see what your getting rid of and want to keep the items they totally forgot about but suddenly became ever so important

  6. Mine is tackle one room at a time and get the whole family to join in.

  7. Wait till the kids are out of the way if you want to be able to throw anything out and just focus on one room at a time

  8. I do one big spring clean once a month.Thern just keepon top of it as its needed.

  9. white vinegar & newspaper does wonders for mirrors & windows.

  10. Move all the furniture open windows have a good old clean and clear out to your favourite music xx

  11. Half a lemon makes a wonderful air freshener.

  12. Save old toothbrushes for cleaning in nooks and crannies.

  13. Use bicarbonate soda on a 90° to clean inside your washing machine! 👍 x x

  14. Clean the windows first - then you can see properly just how grubby everything else looks!

  15. A little dishwasher rinse aid added to water makes windows sparkle, and stay smear free.

  16. I make a paste with some baking soda, some white vinegar and few drops of lemon juice. It will remove the stains and the odours from anywhere including the bottom of the oven !

  17. I use viakal for limescale its fab x

  18. Be ruthless with getting rid of 'stuff' makes keeping surfaces clean so much easier and do the bedroom first - motivates you the next morning!

  19. Keep the children far away from the house - is my number one spring cleaning tip for keeping a clean home clean! Other than that, get someone to service your Dyson or vacuum cleaner to make sure it's picking up properly.

  20. Make a cleaning rota, do a different bog job each day. It doesnt feel like such a chore then

  21. Invite guests round to stay, that always makes me put extra effort into cleaning!

  22. Be ruthless - if you declutter first, it'll be that much easier to clean!

  23. Get everyone to muck in, the more hands the quicker its done.

  24. don't procrastinate - just tackle one small thing at a time until the house is clean

  25. I love having cut fresh lemons in my sinks and fridge smells so fresh every where

  26. my srping cleaning tip is open your windows so you dont gas yourself with furniture polish

  27. My best tip is little and often, there's nothing worse than not knowing where to start!

  28. Zoflora, I do all my skirtings with it. Makes the house smell clean & fresh

  29. Spring Cleaning tips? Not sure I have any but for me little and often, cleaning the fridge before I go shopping, vinegar and newspaper for windows and mirrors, cleaning the washing machine once a month with a hot cycle.

  30. use coke to clean your loo it comes up sparkling

  31. Clean when it's raining and enjoy the sun when it's lovely weather, life's too short :)

  32. Thank you all for the wonderful cleaning tips. Please keep them coming.

  33. We have hard floors in our downstairs rooms as we have two giant breed dogs who create there own problems with drool etc. My advice is purchase a floor steamer they are relatively cheap, you can even clean carpets,windows,ovens etc.

    We spray floor cleaner on the floors and then steam that particular floor, don't forget to change your floor cloths regularly as they can only absorbe so much.

  34. magic sponges are marvellous! give them a go they are amazing!

  35. Add a small bowl of bi carb to your fridge to neutralise smells. Change it once a month and your fridge should stay fresh

  36. De-clutter and be ruthless about it as nothing looks clean if its full of clutter

  37. Vinegar and old toothbrushes are always handy and needed much

  38. use white vinegar on windows, ti makes them sparkle every time.x

  39. A drop of lemon juice in warm water cleans glass to a lovely shine without smears and leaves your home with a lovely fresh fragrance :) X x

  40. steam clean it kills bacteria xo

  41. My tip is not to chuck in all in the loft, the loft will eventually need de-cluttering too! Really should take my own advice xD

  42. I now only use microfibre cloths to clean windows and mirrors..anything glass..clean with just warm water and buff to shine with dry tea smears!

  43. white vinegar and a old toothbrush on taps and stainless steel

  44. Focus one room at a time. Don't attempt any cleaning until you have de-cluttered and sorted every cupboard, shelf and surface first.Then wash curtains and soft furnishings ready to go back after you have washed everything down.

  45. Baking soda and vinegar will unclog any drain.

  46. Throw away anything you havent used for 6 months or over to minimise clutter

  47. Lavender oil in baking soda warm water cleans brilliantly

  48. Use a timer and set for 5 minutes and see how much each person can clean in that time

  49. Always have plenty of white vinegar on hand.

  50. Do little and often, rather than trying to do the whole lot at once.

  51. Cat and Rabbit urine is one of the toughest things to clean up, especially from cream carpets. Put down white vinegar and remove with soapy water!

  52. make a list of all the small jobs and tick off as you do them - it gives more of a sense of acheivement xx

  53. Clean windows with white vinegar in water

  54. steam cleaners are great for cleaning quickly

  55. I always try to do a little bit everyday, so I don't have a pile up of things to do all at once x

  56. Use baby wipes to give an added sheen to stainless steel

  57. Give the kids the feather duster - they'll love dusting around while you can get on with other chores!

  58. I section off the house, by that i mean i concentrate on one area every week and clean it literally with a fine tooth comb,,,,,best way to spring clean x

  59. use a carpet cleaner on a warm day, then have the doors open to help the dying process!

  60. dont be lazy with your cleaning the rest of the year then your spring clean wont take as long to get your spring clean done

  61. Do one room at a time, it does not become tedious

  62. When I am doing my spring clean, I make sure I wash my curtains first thing in the morning (or the night before) so I can hang them out fine and early to dry (hopefully) :)

  63. Attach a clean cloth to a broom to clean and dust ceilings around the house.

  64. Use toothbrushes for those hard to reach areas

  65. Baking soda gets rid of funky smells

  66. baking power and a little water to make a paste cleans ovens amazingly

  67. for the hot weather i only use a carpet sweeper - so much easier than lugging the vac round and its easy to keep on top of cleaning! Do a little bit often - why not clean during the ad breaks on TV - amazing how much you can get done in time that would otherwise be wasted and if you keep on top there is no need for big spring clean!

  68. Lemon juice in water in the microwave for a couple of minutes cleans and makes it smell nice

  69. Don't forget to clean the TV remote control, telephone handset and light switches, they are easy to forget! :)

  70. When using products to clean, always leave them on the surface a little while to do their magic and eat away and the grease, dirt and grime and use microfibre cloths to wipe the grunge away...never just squirt and wipe.

  71. Don't be scared to throw things away! If you haven't used it in the past year, out it goes!

  72. Use old newspaper for cleaning the windows

  73. Throw away / donate old unwanted items - declutter as you go along!

  74. Make the chores fun and get the children involved. It`ll save you lots of time and the kids have a great time x

  75. Clean windows on a cloudy day, this will mean that as you clean the clener will not dry to fast.

  76. I clean all my windows with newspaper, they come up gleaming :)

  77. I spray a soft clean cloth with WD40 and wipe over stainless steel to give it a lovely shine, no smears

  78. A little bit at a time and then it gets done

  79. When you see something needs cleaning then do it right away then it will never become a huge job.

  80. Clean fridge insied: use warm water and put some vinegar. Leave your fridge super clean, removes bad smell.

  81. Just clean up as you go along rather than saving it up for one big clean makes it so much easier i done daily :)

  82. Do your oven first, everything else will seem easy after the worst job is done :)

  83. Try to keep on top of everything then you won't have to do a big spring clean x

  84. Do a little bit each day - much easier than a huge clean once a week - far too daunting!

  85. Have lots of cloths and wash them when used.

  86. Completely declutter first, get rid of old correspondence, anything you haven't used in a while, old clothes, everything!

  87. I use wax polish on my furniture, it lasts longer keeping the dust at bay

  88. Do one room at a time, and don't let it get out of hand the rest of the year. Get someone who doesn't mind spiders to move your furniture away from the walls so you can clean behind!

  89. Declutter first and take your time. Don't do it all at once as it's daunting.

  90. If it hasn't been used in 6 months - throw it, you obviously don't need it.
    Make sure you have plenty of storage so things look neat and tidy.
    Keep a bag of all old t-shirts, they come in great for cleaning.

  91. No spring clean for us - my wife does it every day!

  92. Combine cleaning and beauty therapy ... slather moisturizer onto your hands before putting on rubber gloves and the body heat trapped inside the rubber gloves will open the pores in the skin and make it easier for the moisturizer to be absorbed :0)

  93. Always start from the top of the house! And to freshen up your mattresses & duvets, make your own spritz spray with a few caps of vodka mixed with water and a few drops of your favourite essential oils! Xx

  94. Do bring up your toilet bowl sparkling white and fresh , add some soap powder and give a scrub it will leave your toilet glistening white and with a beautiful smell too :)

  95. Steam cleaners are fantastic for intensive cleaning. Plus they are so easy to use.

  96. Get the children involved, it stops them going around undoing all your hard work

  97. Wait until the kids are out and do a blitz, you can almost guarantee they won't notice that item they really need to keep has gone :P

  98. Use rubber gloves to help remove pet hair

  99. I wash my leather sofa with soapy water and put on saddle soap. I give all the blinds a wipe, and wash my curtains. I always go through my wardrobe and declutter items not worn in the last 6 months and take to the charity shop.

  100. Soda crystals are great for cleaning ovens ad sinks

  101. Keep on top of everything, then virtually all that will be needed is to clean the carpets. Wait for a warm dry day when you can keep doors and windows open for speedy drying.

  102. Use sprays, sooooo much quicker!

  103. Clean from top to bottom, literally! Start with ceilings/cornices and light shades upstairs and work your way down to the carpets and skirtings. Then do the same downstairs.

  104. Now this would be useful right now - a house move & half term imminent!!

  105. My tip is to pop half a lemon in a bowl of water in your oven on low - it not only makes the kitchen smell lovely it also helps to degrease the oven and make the glass door shiny and smear free

  106. white distilled vinegar and newspaper on windows for a streak free shine (need good ventilation though)

  107. Get the kids involved and make it into some sort of game or challenge to keep things fun.

  108. just keep on top of it, if you fall behind its harder to do.

  109. Just do it by a bit everyday :)

  110. Bicarbonate soda and white vinegar make a great oven degreaser. Place half and half in a bowl and cook at 100 degrees for 30 minutes. And then just wipe off

  111. Cut up old towels they make good cleaning cloths :)

  112. Place lots of small plastic rectangular containers in kitchen drawers, then you can separate all the small items we throw in there, and make items easier to find.

  113. Start from the top of the house down and be brutal and declutter as you go, space makes a house cleaner.

  114. Sell everything you do not use for 1 or 2 years

  115. Just do 1 task a day - more likely to start in the first place and keep at it than if you think you have to do it all at once

  116. Lemon juice can be used for so much

  117. Play your favourite music to bop along to while you work!

  118. Write out every little thing you have to do first. I always find it motivating as I'm ticking off all the tasks completed.

  119. Start in the smallest room so you feel like you've achieved something which will encourage you to carry on!

  120. Keep on top of it everyday will take half hr to hr at a most everyday do a section at a time

  121. Give your shower doors a good clean, then wipe on a coat of glass protectant. A good coat of this should protect your glass for around 6 months, depending on how many times the shower is used. Purchase a squeegee and use it to wipe off the water from the door after each shower. If you do this, you will never get soap scum or limescale from water droplets building up on your shower door again, and the only thing you need to do is add on a new coat of protectant every 6 months.

  122. Tackle one room at a time and set aside time for each part. Don't ever try to do a proper clean when hubbie decides to help! It will not end well!


  124. Int try to do everyting at once . Methodically work though you cuboards a coup,e a day

  125. Baking soda and white vinegar mixed with water is marvelous for cleaning tiles.

  126. Baking soda and white vinegar mixed with water is marvelous for cleaning tiles.

  127. White vinegar is your friend, it cleans and shines like no other! :)

  128. Have a good de-clutter before you start it will look better already xx

  129. Have lots of baby wipes and settle all in one spray as its lovely and can be used on anything

  130. I doubt I have any decent tips, I just try to do cleaning when I can!

  131. Delegate, don't do it all yourself. It's too overwhelming for one person


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